# Detail
Retrieve details for the Node application on a Node Stack server.
# HTTP Request:
GET https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/servers/{server}/applications/{application}/node-deployment
# Curl Request example:
curl --request GET \
--url "https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/1/servers/13/applications/223/node-deployment" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR API TOKEN>'
# Response:
# Node Deployment Details
- 200 (Ok)
"nodeDeployment": {
"id": 54,
"application_id": 228,
"rendering": "ssr",
"build_command": "npm run setup",
"after_build_command": null,
"start_app_command": "node server\/server.js",
"port": 8000,
"environment_variable": [
"variable_name": "UPTIME_KUMA_PORT",
"variable_value": "8000"
"nginx_conf": "index index.html;\n\nlocation \/ {\n proxy_pass http:\/\/localhost:8000;\n proxy_http_version 1.1;\n proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;\n proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';\n proxy_set_header Host $host;\n proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;\n}",
"created_at": "2024-01-30 18:46:30",
"updated_at": "2024-01-31 13:33:17"
# Node Deployment Not Found
- 404 (Not Found)
"message": "Node deployment not found for the application."
# Server Error
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Something went wrong while getting Node deployment details."