# Destroy

Delete the cronjob schedule.
Note: the automatic process will stop immidiatly once you deleted the cronjob.

# HTTP Request:

DELETE https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/servers/{server}/cronjobs/{cronjob}

# Curl Request example:

curl --request DELETE \
  --url "https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/5/servers/15/cronjobs/63" \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: <YOUR API TOKEN>'

# Response:

# Cronjob Delete

  • 200 (Ok)
    "message": "Cronjob was successfully deleted!"

# Cronjob Not Found

  • 404 (Not Found)
    "message":"Cronjob not found!"

# Organization not found

  • 404 (Not Found)
    "message": "Organization not found!"

# Server not found

  • 404 (Not Found)
    "message": "Server not found!"

# Server Error

  • 500 (Internal Server Error)
    "message":"Something went wrong while deleting cronjob!"
Last Updated: 3/1/2023, 2:00:48 PM