# Create
Create a new firewall rule for the server.
# HTTP Request:
POST https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/servers/{server}/firewall-rules
# Parameter:
Parameters | Required | Type | Description |
start_port | Yes | Numeric | Select Firewall Start Port Between 1 to 65534 on your server. |
end_port | No | String | Firewall End port, If available select port between 1 to 65534 on your server. |
traffic | Yes | String | allow or deny traffic. |
protocol | Yes | String | Select any one protocol: all , tcp or udp . |
ip | No | IP | IPv4 address, If available. |
# Curl Request example:
curl --request POST \
--url "https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/5/servers/15/firewall-rules" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR API TOKEN>' \
--data '{
"start_port": 45,
"end_port": 450,
"traffic": "allow",
"protocol": "udp",
"ip": ""
# Response:
# Firewall Create:
- 200 (Ok)
"firewallRule": {
"id": 896,
"server_id": 15,
"start_port": 45,
"end_port": 450,
"protocol": "udp",
"traffic": 1,
"ip": "",
"created_at": "2022-02-16 15:44:45",
"updated_at": "2022-02-16 15:44:45"
"message": "Rule has been successfully added to firewall!"
# Organization Not Found
- 404 (Not Found)
"message": "Organization not found!"
# Server Not Found
- 404 (Not Found)
"message": "Server not found!"
# End Port Range Higher than Start Port
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Ending port of the range must be higher than the starting port."
# End Port Range Specify TCP or UDP
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "You must specify TCP or UDP protocol while specifying port ranges."
# Firewall Not Enabled
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Firewall not enabled!"
# Duplicate Firewall Rule
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "The specified firewall rule already exists!"
# Server Error
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Something went really wrong!"