# Create
Connect a new server inside the organization.
# HTTP Request:
POST https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/direct-installation/generate-command
# Custom Parameters:
parameters | Required | Type | Description |
name | Yes | String | Name of the Server. |
web_server | Yes | String | Select any one web server apache2 , nginx , openlitespeed or mern . |
database_type | Yes | String | Select any one database type mysql , mariadb or mongodb . |
nodejs | Yes | Boolean | Set 1 if you want to install Node.js on the Server. |
yarn | No | Boolean | Set 1 if you want to install Yarn on mern web server. |
root_password_available | Yes | Boolean | Set 1 if you have root and password. |
ip | No | String | Required if, root_password_available is 1 |
ssh_port | No | Numeric | Required if, root_password_available is 1 |
root_password | No | String | Required if, root_password_available is 1 |
forceCleanup | No | Boolean | Set 1 for clean up your server. |
# Direct Installation
Connect a custom server with root password.
# Curl Request example:
curl --request POST \
--url "https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/direct-installation/generate-command" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR API TOKEN>' \
--data '{
"name": "alex-sites",
"web_server": "nginx",
"database_type": "mysql",
"nodejs": 0,
"root_password_available": 0
# Response:
- 200 (Ok)
"commands": "sudo wget https://api.serveravatar.com/direct_install; chmod +x direct_install; ./direct_install --webServer nginx --name alex-sites --database mysql --nodejs 0 --key eyJpdiI6IkJvaUFMM3UyV040Q2xSSVJnRFIxQXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoibFhBejBGQ21XY21...."
# Using Server Provider
Connect a server using Amazon Lightsail, DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, or Hetzner server provider.
# Parameters:
parameters | Required | Type | Description |
name | Yes | String | Name of the Server. |
provider | Yes | String | Select any one provider lightsail , linode , hetzner , vultr , or digitalocean |
cloud_server_provider_id | Yes | Numeric | Select provider account. |
version | Yes | String | Select any one version 20, 22 or 24. |
region | Yes | String | Select region. |
availabilityZone | No | String | Required, if provider is lightsail . |
sizeSlug | Yes | String | Select size-slug. Type must be numeric when provider is hetzner |
ssh_key | Yes | Boolean | True, if you have your own ssh-key. |
public_key | No | String | Required, if ssh_key is True. |
web_server | Yes | String | Select any one web server apache2 , nginx , openlitespeed or mern . |
database_type | Yes | String | Select any one database type mysql , mariadb or mongodb . |
nodejs | Yes | boolean | Set true if you want to install Node.js on the Server. |
yarn | No | Boolean | Set true if you want to install Yarn on mern web server. |
linode_root_password | No | String | Required, if provider is linode . Password must be Uppercase, Lowercase, Number and Special Character. |
# HTTP Request:
POST https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/servers
# Curl Request example:
curl --request POST \
--url "https://api.serveravatar.com/organizations/{organization}/servers" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR API TOKEN>' \
--data '{
"name": "alex-sites",
"provider": "lightsail",
"cloud_server_provider_id": 21,
"version": 20,
"region": "us-east-1",
"availabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
"sizeSlug": "nano_2_0",
"ssh_key": 1,
"public_key": "{Your SSH Key}",
"web_server": "apache2",
"database_type": "mysql",
"nodejs": false
# Response:
- 200 (Ok)
"message": "The server creation process has been started.",
"server": {
"id": 14,
"organization_id": 5,
"provider_name": "lightsail",
"ip": "",
"name": "alex-sites",
"hostname": "ip-172-26-3-160",
"operating_system": "ubuntu",
"version": "20.04",
"arch": "x86_64",
"cores": 1,
"web_server": "nginx",
"ssh_status": "1",
"php_cli_version": 8,
"database_type": "mysql",
"ssh_port": 22,
"agent_status": "1",
"agent_version": "7.0",
"php_versions": "[\"8.0\",\"8.2\",\"8.1\",\"7.4\",\"7.3\",\"7.2\"]",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"root_password_authentication": "yes",
"permit_root_login": "yes",
"country_code": "US",
"ols_automatically_restart": 0,
"restart_required": 0,
"firewall": 0,
"nodejs": 0,
"created_at": "2023-02-18 20:27:47",
"updated_at": "2023-02-20 01:50:55",
"deleted_at": null,
# Server Name Exists
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Server instance name already exists!"
# Provider Not Found
- 404 (Not Found)
"message": "Server Provider not found!"
# Forbidden
- 403 (Forbidden)
"message": "You can not perform this action!"
# Credit Error
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Not enough credits. Please add credits!"
# Provider OS Version Error
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "We support Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04 in {Provider Name}."
# Allowed Servers
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "You cannot add more than {Your Subscription Allowed Servers} servers in this account. Please upgrade or contact support."
# Free Server limit
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "You cannot add more than 1 free servers in this account."
# Server Error
- 500 (Internal Server Error)
"message": "Something went really wrong!"