Host PHP and JS Applications on VPS/VM and Dedicated servers!

In this section, You will find tutorials to deploy various applications on various cloud platforms. Feel free to check out latest tutorials and filter using the following form to jump to the desired tutorial.

Host Applications on Cloud! - ServerAvatar

Tutorials (Latest)

How to host WordPress on Digitalocean Droplet - ServerAvatar How to host WordPress on Digitalocean Droplet - ServerAvatar
How to host WordPress on Digitalocean Droplet - ServerAvatar

Host WordPress on Digitalocean Droplet with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple WordPress sites on a single Droplet efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host WordPress on Contabo VM Instance - ServerAvatar How to host WordPress on Contabo VM Instance - ServerAvatar
How to host WordPress on Contabo VM Instance - ServerAvatar

Host WordPress on Contabo VM Instance with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple WordPress sites on a single VM Instance efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host Prestashop on Azure VM Instance - ServerAvatar How to host Prestashop on Azure VM Instance - ServerAvatar
How to host Prestashop on Azure VM Instance - ServerAvatar

Host Prestashop on Azure VM Instance with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Prestashop sites on a single VM Instance efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host Prestashop on Google Cloud VM Instance - ServerAvatar How to host Prestashop on Google Cloud VM Instance - ServerAvatar
How to host Prestashop on Google Cloud VM Instance - ServerAvatar

Host Prestashop on Google Cloud VM Instance with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Prestashop sites on a single VM Instance efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host CodeIgniter on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar How to host CodeIgniter on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host CodeIgniter on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar

Host CodeIgniter on Hostinger VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple CodeIgniter sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host Cachet on Racknerd VPS - ServerAvatar How to host Cachet on Racknerd VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host Cachet on Racknerd VPS - ServerAvatar

Host Cachet on Racknerd VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Cachet sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host Symfony on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar How to host Symfony on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host Symfony on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar

Host Symfony on InterServer VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Symfony sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 27, 2024
How to host NodeBB on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar How to host NodeBB on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host NodeBB on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar

Host NodeBB on InterServer VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple NodeBB sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 23, 2024
How to host Uptime Kuma on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar How to host Uptime Kuma on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host Uptime Kuma on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar

Host Uptime Kuma on Hostinger VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Uptime Kuma sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 23, 2024
How to host Symfony on Azure VM Instance - ServerAvatar How to host Symfony on Azure VM Instance - ServerAvatar
How to host Symfony on Azure VM Instance - ServerAvatar

Host Symfony on Azure VM Instance with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Symfony sites on a single VM Instance efficiently.

Published : Jul 23, 2024
How to host Akaunting on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar How to host Akaunting on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host Akaunting on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar

Host Akaunting on InterServer VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Akaunting sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 23, 2024
How to host Laravel on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar How to host Laravel on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar
How to host Laravel on InterServer VPS - ServerAvatar

Host Laravel on InterServer VPS with this easy tutorial. Learn step-by-step how to manage one or multiple Laravel sites on a single VPS efficiently.

Published : Jul 23, 2024