How to host BookStack on Hostinger VPS - ServerAvatar

Published : Sep 14, 2024

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Discover how simple it is to create an account and set up a cloud VPS on Hostinger, one of the top hosting providers.

Get started with Hostinger


BookStack is a web-based software application for creating and managing documentation and knowledge bases. It provides a platform for teams and individuals to collaboratively create and organize content such as articles, notes, and documentation into a hierarchical structure.

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Bookstack is an open-source platform designed for organizations seeking to simplify the creation of status pages. It provides essential features for managing and sharing service statuses, ensuring ease of access for both administrators and users. When considering hosting BookStack, deploying it on Hostinger is a dependable choice due to its scalable infrastructure and user-friendly deployment solutions. ServerAvatar assists with Hostinger VPS and simplifies the deployment of the BookStack application on the Hostinger platform through easy steps.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Getting started with Hostinger:

Discover how simple it is to create an account and set up a cloud VPS on Hostinger, one of the top hosting providers. Follow our step-by-step guide to swiftly establish your account to deploy a server and complete its initial setup.

What Is Hostinger?

Hostinger is a popular web hosting company known for its affordable hosting solutions and user-friendly interface, offering services like domain registration, website hosting, and cloud hosting to help individuals and businesses manage their online presence effectively.

Step 1: Create an account

  • Log in to your Hostinger account. If you don’t have an account, create an account on Hostinger.
  • After login, Click on the VPS option as shown in the image below.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 2: Select the plan

  • Next, you will see various plans offering different specifications for hosting your VPS. Select the plan that best fits your requirements.
  • For hosting BookStack, you'll need a minimum of 2GB or more of RAM and a minimum of 1GB or more of disk space, the necessary resources can differ based on different factors. You can also select a higher-specification plan based on your specific needs and usage.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 3: Complete your Payment

  • Now, you have to proceed to complete the payment for your VPS plan.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 4: Start with Setup

  • Once the payment is complete, you will be redirected to the page to begin setting up your VPS. Click on the Start Now option to proceed.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 5: Select Location

  • Next, you have to select the location for your server. Hostinger provides various locations for setting up your VPS.
  • The general rule is to select the region that is closest to your audience. It means that for the majority of your audience, Your sites will load faster due to lower latency.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 6: Select an Operating System

  • In this step, you need to select your server operating system. We recommend selecting Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64 or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x64. If you are using ServerAvatar to manage your servers, these operating systems are required.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 7: Adding Additional Feature (Optional)

  • The next option is to install an additional feature to your VPS. You can enable the malware scanner by selecting the provided checkbox. This step is optional; if you want to add it, select the checkbox and click on Continue.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 8: Login Method

  • Next, you need to set a Root Password for your VPS and provide a Hostname. Additionally, you can add an SSH Key, which is optional. Once you have completed these steps, click on Continue.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 9: Finalise Details

  • In the last step of this process, you need to verify the VPS information. Click on the Finish Setup option to complete the setup process.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

  • After clicking the Finish Setup button, You can see the Initiating Setup process as displayed in the image below.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

Step 10: VPS Management and SSH Key Access

  • Once the setup is complete, you will find the option to Manage VPS, allowing you to manage your VPS from its Custom Dashboard. Additionally, you will have the SSH Access option, which enables server access via Terminal.

Create a VPS in Hostinger

  • Congratulations! You have successfully created your Hostinger VPS, which is now ready to connect with ServerAvatar.

Initial Server Configuration

The Initial server configuration includes the installation and configuration of various packages required to host your website. Usually, You have to write commands and modify configuration files. Luckily, With ServerAvatar, Your full server configuration and optimization can be automated.

Here are the three ways to automatically configure your server with ServerAvatar.

Install and setup BookStack wiki software with ServerAvatar

Step 1: Create a PHP application

On the ServerAvatar server panel, navigate to the Applications tab and click the Create button like the following image.


1. Fill up basic details

In the first step of the application creation, fill in the basic details, including,** Application Name**, select the application type, and type Primary Domain/Test Domain Name.


note that:

If you want to host BookStack on your domain, then make sure to point your domain to the current IP address of your server, and for that:

  1. Log in to your domain provider site, where you buy your domain. Click here for more info about your domain name.
  2. Access DNS Manager to edit your DNS records(contact the support team if you don’t find them)
  3. Change the IP address of A Record of your website to the current server’s IP address. To host BookStack on your subdomain, for example,, create a new application with the subdomain as your primary domain and follow the same procedure. For accessing BookStack on the subdomain, you need to add your subdomain on A Record that points to the current IP address of your server. To point to an IPV6 address, you would need to use an AAAA record.

Click the Next Step to continue.

2. Select an application creation method

BookStack is an open-source project. It can be available on GitHub, so you can directly clone the repository with Serveravatar. In this step-

  1. Select the Git method and GitHub as a service provider.
  2. Mark on Public repository.
  3. Type BookStack project URL from the GitHub BookStack project. you‘ll find it like in the following image.


  1. Enter the release branch name in the branch field.
  2. And. type the below commands in the deployment script.

cp .env.example .env composer install - -no-dev php artisan key:generate - -force image

3. Allocate system user

Allocate a system user for your BookStack application. You can create a new system user or select an existing system user.


Click the Next Step button to continue.

4. Other options

Select a PHP version for your application, and set Custom Webroot as Public in the respective field.


Click the Next Step button.

5. Review your application details

Review your application details and click the Create Application button.


Upon creating an application, the repository can be successfully cloned to your application* Public_html* folder.

Step 2: Create BookStack Database

To create a database for the BookStack application, go to the server panel, navigate to the Database tab, and click the Create button like the following image.


On the next screen, fill up the database details, including -

  • Database Name
  • Database Username
  • Database Password


Click the Create Database to continue.

Step 3: Delete the .env.example file and Update the Database Information and App URL

To delete the .env.example file, go to Application Panel>>File Manager And access the public_html folder. Now click the Show Hidden Files box. The .env.example file can be shown at the top of the files, like the following image.


Now open the .env file and update the details with the database we created in the above step. It includes- DB_DATABASE: Database Name DB_USERNAME: Database Username DB_PASSWORD: Database Password

After that, update the app URL just above the file's database information. Note that if you install SSL on your application, type https:// before your domain name; otherwise, type http:// in the code.


Step 4: Update the Database Schema

It is necessary to keep your database up to date. And for that, log in to your application using an SSH connection. You can see the credentials in the application dashboard as the following image.

Note: Make sure the SSH connection toggle is enabled on your application.


Execute the following command in your terminal to log in to your application-

ssh Username@Host

Now go to your application path using “cd Application_Name/public_html” and execute the following command.

php artisan migrate - -force

After the successful migration of the database, access the URL of your application in the web browser.

Step 5: Login to BookStack

Upon accessing the URL, the login page will appear. You can now log in using the default admin details and password of password. You can change these details immediately after logging in for the first time.


You’ll see the admin screen like the following image upon logging in.


You can now perform administrative tasks to manage your documentation and knowledge base website.