How to host Snipe-IT on Linode VM Instance - ServerAvatar

Published : Sep 4, 2024

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Linode is a cloud hosting company that offers Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting solutions. Users can easily deploy and manage cloud-based virtual servers to run applications, host websites, and store data. The platform gives full control to customize and configure infrastructure as needed.

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Snipe-IT is specifically designed for IT asset management, offering a comprehensive solution for IT departments to efficiently track their assets.

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Snipe-IT is a flexible open-source tool designed for managing and organizing assets with ease. It enables users to store, categorize, and retrieve assets efficiently. When choosing a hosting platform for Snipe-IT, opting for Linode ensures reliability with its scalable infrastructure and straightforward deployment options. ServerAvatar makes the deployment of the Snipe-IT on the Linode platform an easy step-by-step process.

Create a server in Linode

First of all, Let's create a VM instance in Linode. It provides a lot of different types of VM instances. You can create shared VM instances, Dedicated Instances, Memory-optimized instances, and GPU instances. To host a simple website, You will need a shared VM instance.

If you think your application uses high CPU or RAM, You can go for a Dedicated CPU VM or Memory Optimised VM respectively. Let's get started with the process.

Step 1: Go to Linode VM Instance Creation Form

When you log in to your Linode account, You will see the Create Linode button on the top-right corner of the page. Click on it to go to the Linode creation form.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 1

Step 2: Select the Distribution

Additionally, select your preferred operating system. Generally, the Snipe-IT application requires Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or a later version for compatibility and support.

We will use ServerAvatar as a server management panel. It supports Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x64. So, it is recommended to select any one of the supported OS.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 2

Step 3: Select the Region

Linode has multiple data centers located in different regions worldwide. It is recommended to choose the region that is closest to your major traffic source to reduce latency and improve the performance of your applications.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 3

Step 4: Select Linode Plan

Linode offers various plans with different configurations of CPU, RAM, and storage. Choose a plan that fits in your budget and meets your application's needs. With ServerAvatar, You can also host multiple applications on a single Linode VM Instance.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 4

Step 5: Set Label and Select Tags

The label is a human-readable name that you can use to identify your instance. Tags are keywords that you can use to categorize and search for your instances. You can also group Linodes by Tags on the dashboard.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 5

Step 6: Set Strong Root Password and Select SSH Key

The root password is the administrator password that you will use to access and manage your VM instance. Make sure to use a strong password that is hard to guess and includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Next, select an SSH key if you want to authenticate with SSH keys. SSH keys are a more secure way to log in to your VM instance than using passwords. If you have an SSH key, you can upload it to your Linode account and use it to log in to your VM instance.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 6

Step 7: Select VLAN (If Required)

A VLAN is a logical network that separates traffic from different virtual machines or physical servers. It can be used to isolate network traffic and improve security.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 7

Step 8: Select Add-ons - Backups and Private IP

Linode provides an easy way to create and store backups for your VM instances. Backups are highly recommended as they can help you with disaster recovery quickly. In the last step, You can enable the Private IP address for your VM instance if required.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 8

Step 9: Click on "Create Linode"

Finally, Click on the Create Linode button at the end of the form to create a Linode VM instance. It usually takes around 2 minutes to create a new Linode instance. Once done, You can connect it with ServerAvatar for ease of site and server configuration management.

Create a Linode VM Instance - Step 9

Initial Server Configuration

The Initial server configuration includes the installation and configuration of various packages required to host your website. Usually, You have to write commands and modify configuration files. Luckily, With ServerAvatar, Your full server configuration and optimization can be automated.

Here are the three ways to automatically configure your server with ServerAvatar.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

Getting Started With Snipe-IT:

Snipe-IT is designed for IT asset management, offering a comprehensive solution for IT departments to track their assets efficiently. It allows teams to monitor which laptops are assigned to whom, record the purchase dates of these devices, and keep an updated inventory of software licenses and accessories. This centralized tracking system improves visibility and accountability, ensuring that all assets are properly managed. By using Snipe-IT, organizations can streamline their asset management processes, reduce the risk of asset loss or mismanagement, and enhance overall operational efficiency. The platform’s detailed tracking capabilities and user-friendly interface make Snipe-IT an invaluable tool for IT departments aiming to maintain an organized and well-managed asset portfolio.


If you want to host Snipe-IT yourself, you will need a server with:

  • PHP 8.1 or newer
  • HTTP server with PHP support (eg: Apache, Nginx)
  • MySQL or MariaDB
  • Composer

Install and Setup Snip-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar:

Step 1: Create Snip-IT Database

  • The Snip-IT installation process requires a database. To create a MySQL database for Snip-IT, navigate to the Database tab on the ServerAvatar server panel and create a new Database.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • To create a database, enter the necessary details, such as the database name, in the database creation form and click on the Create Database button as shown in the image below.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

Step 2: Create a Custom Application

  • To create a new Custom application for Snip-IT, navigate to the Applications tab on the server panel. Click on the Create button on the server panel to start the process of application creation.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • To create an application and proceed with the installation and deployment of Snip-IT, you need to complete the prerequisite setup.

    • Start by entering an application name of your choice. Then, input the domain name where you want to direct your URL. You can select between a test domain or a primary domain. If you want to host it on a test domain, you can use ServerAvatar’s test domain. This flexibility allows you to make the perfect selection for your project.
    • Note: If you want to host the Snip-IT application on your domain, then make sure to point your domain to the current IP address of your server.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Next, clone Snipe-IT from the available repository on GitHub.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Let's move on to the next step in creating your application. Now, you need to set up deployment scripts. These are the manually entered commands that will run automatically after cloning the repository.
  • Installing Snip-IT does not involve executing any manual scripts or commands during the deployment process. Therefore, you can simply leave this section blank.
    • Deployment Scripts: (Leave it blank)
  • To proceed further, click on "Show Advanced Options". You will find this option located just below the deployment scripts section.
  • The next step is to create a system user for your application. You have the option to either select an existing user or create a new one specifically for this application.
  • Now, select the PHP version. Choose a PHP version 8.1 or a newer version if available. For the custom webroot of Snip-IT, ensure it is set to public as shown in the provided snapshot.
    • Select PHP Version: PHP version 8.1 or higher
    • Custom Webroot: public

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Once you have configured all these settings, proceed by clicking the Create Application button to finish the process.

Step 3: Configure .env file

  • In this step, we're connecting the database we created in Step 1 with the application we created in Step 2. To configure the database, we need to edit the environment (.env) file.
  • To edit the .env file, you can access the public_html directory from your file manager or navigate through the directory path. Once you're there, make sure to select the checkbox for showing hidden files.
  • Now, within this directory, you'll find a file named .env.example. To rename it, follow the procedure shown in the snapshot. Simply rename .env.example to .env This step is crucial for configuring the database properly.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • After renaming the file to .env, open it and enter the database credentials that were created in Step 1. These credentials are necessary to establish a connection between the database and the application, enter the database credential we have already made. You can find all your database credentials, such as the database name, username, and password, by accessing the database tab from the server panel.
  • Enter the following database credential we have already created in ServerAvatar:
    • Database Name: Your Database name
    • Database Username: Your Username
    • Database password: Your Password
  • Moreover, set the APP_URL to “your domain url”.
  • Furthermore, you can set the Time Zone by making changes in APP_TIMEZONE='UTC'. This should use a PHP-supported timezone and should be enclosed in single quotes.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

Setup your Outgoing Mail Settings:

  • Configuring outgoing mail settings is required for your Snipe-IT installation to send emails.
  • Without these settings, users won't be able to request a password reset if they get locked out, and your email alerts for expiring licenses and assets (etc) will not work. Additionally, asset acceptance and EULA requirements cannot be used on your system.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Don't forget to Save the changes you've made to the ".env" file.

Set Directory Permissions:

  • To fix the directory permissions, simply go to the Settings option within the application section. Click on the Fix Permission option from the “Fix File/Directory Ownership and Permission” section as shown in the below image.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • To establish a connection, access the SSH credentials from the application panel dashboard. Ensure that the SFTP/SSH Credentials option is enabled, as illustrated in the provided snapshot.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Execute the command to log in to the root user on your application in your terminal. ssh {username}@{ip}
  • Replace {username} with your actual username and {ip} with your server's IP address. You will be prompted to enter your password. After successful authentication, you will have remote access to your server. Enter the SSH Password to log in.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Go to the Public_html directory (by using commands ls and cd) and run the below commands.

    curl -sS | php

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • OPTIONAL: It is not required to install Composer globally, however, if you wish to, you can find the command as shown in the image below:

composer install --no-dev --prefer-source

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • The above command will install all the necessary packages.
  • After that run the command to generate an application key. This will set APP_KEY with the right value automatically.

php artisan key:generate

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Once you've executed these commands, you will have successfully configured both the database and the application.
  • When you open the Snip-IT by clicking on the link it will open the pre-flight page like the image below. Now, configure your Snipe-IT Pre-Flight with the required information.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • Once you've configured Snip-IT, you will see the login page like the image below.

Install and Setup Snipe-IT on Cloud using ServerAvatar

  • To log in to Snip-IT, use the credentials you have set during the configuration and setup process.
    • Username: Your Username
    • Password: Your Password