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Environment Variables

Want to Increase Insighthub Data Processing Speed?


Be careful while setting this value. Adjust it based on server resources to ensure optimal performance. Consider the available memory, processing power, and other server capacities when configuring this variable.

Below are the environment variables configured in the .env file of insighthub:


This variable is utilized for determining the number of applications fetched every time a cron job runs. It sets the batch size for application retrieval during each cron job execution.

Example usage in .env file:


Purpose: Fetching the number of applications every cron job run.


The FETCH_ACCESS_LOG_LIMIT variable controls the number of records fetched at a time from the access log file. It plays a crucial role in managing the granularity of data retrieval from the log file.

Example usage in .env file:


Purpose: Fetching the number of records at a time from the log file.


This variable, INSERT_CHUNK_SIZE, is responsible for creating chunks of data based on the value specified in FETCH_ACCESS_LOG_LIMIT. It determines the size of each chunk for efficient data processing and insertion.

Example usage in .env file:


Purpose: Creating chunks based on FETCH_ACCESS_LOG_LIMIT for data insertion.


The PROCESS_CHUNK_READ_SIZE variable is used for processing the data fetched from the log file. It represents the size of each chunk of data that is read and processed during the data processing phase.

Example usage in .env file:


Purpose: Processing data fetched from the log file.

Important: After making changes to the .env file, don't forget to restart the queue by running the following command:

php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan queue:restart