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Amazon S3

AWS S3 is a standard storage instance provided by Amazon Web Services. Many businesses use AWS S3 to store all kinds of files and data.

You can use your AWS S3 bucket to store your site backups generated with ServerAvatar. If you are not already an AWS user, the process might seem lengthy and difficult compared to other storage services like Wasabi, Dropbox, and Google Drive. But if you have experience with AWS, it will be easier for you to integrate AWS S3 with ServerAvatar.

Here are the steps you must follow to connect ServerAvatar with AWS S3.

Create User for S3 on AWS

Step 1: Sign in to the IAM console.

AWS S3 - User

Step 2: Click on Add users.

AWS S3 - User

Step 3: Enter a user name and Select AWS credential type of Access key - Programmatic access. Click on Next: Permissions.

AWS S3 - User

Step 4: Click on a box of Attach existing policies directly and search AmazonS3FullAccess. Then click on the Next: Tags button.

AWS S3 - User

Step 5: Click on the Next: Review button.

AWS S3 - User

Step 6: Review your user and click on Add user button.

AWS S3 - User

Step 7: Copy of access key and secret key and save them.

AWS S3 - User

Create Bucket on AWS S3

Step 1: Sign in to the Amazon S3 and click on Create bucket.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 2: Enter Bucket name and choose AWS Region.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 3: We recommend choosing "ACLs disabled" for object ownership.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 4: We recommended choose Block all public access for this bucket.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 5: You can choose to disable or enable bucket versioning.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 6: Click on Create bucket button.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 7: Click on your bucket link.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 8: Click on Create folder button.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Step 9: Enter the Folder name “serveravatar” and click on Create folder.

Aws S3 - Bucket

Set up Amazon S3 Provider on ServerAvatar

Step 1: Click on an Integration on the left sidebar, then click on Cloud Storage.

ServerAvatar - Aws S3

Step 2: Click on the Link Amazon S3 button.

ServerAvatar - Aws S3

Step 3: Enter Name, Access Key, Access Secret, Bucket Name and Region Name after a click on the Save button.

ServerAvatar - Aws S3