Flywp Alternative

Discover the key differences between ServerAvatar and Flywp for cloud hosting.
We'll dive into a detailed comparison to help you choose the best solution for your needs.


Fundamentally, ServerAvatar and Gridpane are control panels or server management panels. Let's learn the differences in detail.

Generic Control Panel

ServerAvatar is a generic control panel for your servers that allows you to deploy any PHP, WordPress, Laravel and Node.js sites on your servers.

WordPress specific Control Panel

Flywp is a WordPress specific control panel that allows you to host and manage WordPress sites only.


The pricing and plans of Gridpane and ServerAvatar are almost the same. So, Let's learn feature differences in plans.

Free Plan

ServerAvatar provides a free plan that you can use for 1 server and 1 site, forever.

Starter Plan ($12/month)

Starter plan in ServerAvatar provides you management for 5 servers and unlimited applications.

Professional Plan ($29/month)

Professional plan in ServerAvatar allows unlimited servers and multiple team management options.

master plan ($39/month)

Master plan in ServerAvatar comes with everything from Professional plan + Self-hosted Log Monitoring Suite.

Business plan ($59/month)

Business plan in ServerAvatar comes with everything from Master plan + A complete white-label suite.

Basuc Plan

FlyWp provides a free plan that you can use for 1 server and 1 site, forever.

Hobby Plan ($9/month)

Hobby Plan in FlyWp provides you management for 1 server and unlimited applications.

Growth Plan ($19/month)

Growth plan in FlyWp allows you to manage 10 servers and also comes with team management options.

Business Plan ($39/month)

Business plan in FlyWP provides you management for unlimited servers and does not have log monitoring or similar suite.

Not Applicable

FlyWP does not have a plan with white-label options. Business plan in FlyWP is the highest plan with all features.

Tech Stacks

Different tech stacks allow you to host different types of applications on your servers. Let's see the tech stack options we have in both the control panels.

Optimised LAMP (Apache) Stack

A tech stack built with Apache, PHP and MySQL/MariaDB along with Redis, Git, and other required services.

Optimised LEMP (Nginx) Stack

A tech stack built with Nginx, PHP and MySQL/MariaDB along with Redis, Git, and other required services.

Optimised OpenLitespeed Stack

OpenLiteSpeed stack in ServerAvatar is specifically good to host super fast WordPress sites.

MERN Stack

A tech stack built for Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js and React. You can host Node.js based apps on this tech stack.

Optimised LAMP (Apache) Stack

LAMP Stack, or a tech stack with Apache is not available in FlyWP.

Optimised LEMP (Nginx) Stack

FlyWP provides optimised Nginx stack to host your WordPress sites.

Optimised Openlitespeed stack

FlyWP provides optimised OpenLiteSpeed to host WordPress sites.

MERN Stack

FlyWP does not support MERN stack. Meaning, You cannot install Node.js or Javascript based sites on FlyWP.

Server Management

In this section, we will compare the core server management features in both the panels.

Database management

ServerAvatar provides comprehensive Database and user management with fundamentally secure setup and secured remote access out-of-the-box.

System User Management

ServerAvatar provides complete system user management. You can control access to SSH/SFTP as well as provide isolated environments for each site.

Cronjob management

ServerAvatar provides cronjob management with all the required features.

Automatic Disk Cleaning

One-Click or Automatic disk cleaning in ServerAvatar allows you to clean selected log files and temporary files to free up space for sites.

One-Click Server Troubleshooting

ServerAvatar control panel provides one unique feature that helps you find issues in any part of the server very quickly.

Ioncube Support

ServerAvatar provides one-click Ioncube installation to help you deploy sites that require Ioncube support.

Service Management

You can easily monitor (CPU and RAM) used by various services and also restart, stop or reload any service.

Automatic Site Cloning

The automatic site migration feature allows you to migrate your sites between servers with a few clicks.

Advanced Log Viewer

ServerAvatar provides an in-built log viewer that allows you to search and filter through logs to help you debug quickly.

Automatic Backups

ServerAvatar provides automatic backups for whole applications, databases or files.

Control Panel Access

Provide control panel access to user with URL, username and password. ServerAvatar account is not required to access the server.

Custom Vhost Configuration

In ServerAvatar, You can add additional configuration to your virtual host files using the file manager.

Database Management

FlyWP does not provide database management in sense that you can individually manage databases on your servers.

System User Management

FlyWP does not provide comprehensive system user management on the servers.

Cronjob management

FlyWP provides complete cronjob management on the server panel.

Automatic Disk Cleaner

FlyWP does not have automatic disk cleaner or any similar feature in their toolset.

One-Click Server Troubleshooting

FlyWP does not provide any similar feature to one-click troubleshoot and find issues on the server.

Ioncube support

FlyWP does not provide support for Ioncube. Hence, It would not be possible to host code that requires Ioncube without manually doing it via CLI.

Service Management

Gridpane does not provide out-of-the-box service management for your servers.

Automatic Site Cloning

FlyWP allows you to quickly and easily clone WordPress sites on same of different server.

Limited Log Viewer

FlyWP provides log viewer however the number of different logs you can inspect is low.

Automatic Backups

FlyWP provides a complete automatic and instant backup solution for your WordPress sites.

Control Panel Access

Control panel access or similar feature is not provided by FlyWP.

Custom vhost configuration

FlyWP does not allow you to add custom config to your virtual host file.

Application Management

Application management is equally important to manage and maintain your applications after deployment. Let's see different application management features provided by both the control panels.

Application Auto-installers

ServerAvatar provides 12+ Auto-installers for various popular applications built in PHP and Node.js.

Deploy From Git

You can deploy your custom PHP/Node.js applications from Github, Gitlab as well as BitBucket.

Push to Deploy

ServerAvatar provides push-to-deploy functionality along with deployment logs.

Automatic SSL Certificates

The SSL certificates for your sites can be installed with one-click and renewed automatically, for free!

Automatic Staging Area

ServerAvatar provides an automatic staging area for your applications to test or integrate new features.

File manager

You can quickly access your application files from the web based file manager. Edit, create, extract, anything is possible.

Per Site PHP Version and Settings

You can manage PHP versions and various PHP.ini settings from the control panel for your apps, individually.

Node.js Support

Install and configure your server to host Node.js based applications with one-click.

Supervisord/Queue Management

ServerAvatar allows you to create and manage processes with Supervisor, very efficient and easy for Laravel.

Cloudflare Integration

Cloudflare integration allows you to manage the SSL levels, forced SSL, and many other settings directly from ServerAvatar.

One-click Fix File permissions

Facing an irritating file permission error? One-Click fix all file permission issues in ServerAvatar.

Create temporary/staging websites

ServerAvatar allows you to quickly deploy staging/temporary sites on ServerAvatar provided temporary domains.

WP-CLI Support

ServerAvatar provides support for wp-cli. You can manage your WordPress sites using wp-cli.

Redis Object Caching

ServerAvatar automatically installs and configures Redis on your server, ready to be used for caching.

WordPress magic Login

ServerAvatar provides magic login to wp-admin of WordPress sites.

Limited Auto-installers

FlyWP only supports WordPress. Hence, it only provides Automatic WordPress and PHPMyAdmin installation only.

Deploy from Git

FlyWP provides deployment from different Git platforms for WordPress.

Push to Deploy

FlyWP does not provide the push to deploy functionality out of the box.

Automatic SSL Certificates

The SSL certificates for your sites can be installed with one-click and renewed automatically, for free!

Automatic Staging Area

In FlyWP, You can create staging sites. However, You cannot create staging area for existing site for further modification and one-click push to production.

File Manager

FlyWP does not provide file manager on the panel. You have to use FileZilla to access the files on your server.

Per Site PHP Version and Settings

You can manage PHP versions and various PHP.ini settings from the control panel for your apps, individually.

Node.js Support

Being a WordPress specific hosting solution, It does not provide support for Node.js.

Supervisord/Queue Management

FlyWP does not provide Supervisor or any similar feature to create and manage php workers on your server.

Cloudflare Integration

FlyWP provides Cloudflare integration for easy DNS management.

One-Click Fix file permissions

FlyWP does not provide any similar feature to quickly fix all file permissions for applications.

Create Temporary/Staging websites

FlyWP provides temporary domains that you can use to quickly spin up staging/temporary sites.

WP-CLI Support

FlyWP provides support for wp-cli. You can manage your WordPress sites using wp-cli.

Redis Object Caching

FlyWP also provides Redis caching out-of-the-box for WordPress sites.

WordPress magic Login

FlyWP also provides one-click login to WordPress admin dashboards with magic login.

Security & Monitoring

Monitoring and Security is must for any cloud hosting setup. Both the control panels provide different level of features in this section. Let's see them in detail.

UFW Firewall Management

ServerAvatar's easy to use firewall management allows you to manage ufw status as well as firewall rules.

Isolated Environments

Each application deployed on ServerAvatar has isolated environment to avoid speading infections on server.

Manage SSH Credentials

Manage SSH access as well as credentials for your system users and control access on your infrastructure.

IP WhiteListing and 2FA

Allow log in to your account from white-listed IP addresses only. Further secure your account with 2FA.

Automatic Security Updates

ServerAvatar performs regular security updates on all your servers. You can also set the frequency.

Fail2Ban Management

ServerAvatar provides Fail2Ban management to secure login forms on your applications.

Basic Authentication

Basic authentication allows you to temporarily/permanently enable additional authentication layer on your app.

Server Health Monitoring

Server Health Monitoring in ServerAvatar includes CPU, RAM and Disk usage along with 5 min and 15 min load average.

MySQL/mariadb query monitoring

ServerAvatar allows you to monitor the number of queries executed every 5 minutes on your database server.

Log analysis (access logs)

Explore Request, Error, Bot Traffic, User agent and bandwidth usage information with Insighthub in ServerAvatar.

UFW Firewall Management

FlyWP allows you to manage firewall rules on your servers on the control panel.

Isolated Environments

Each application deployed on FlyWP has isolated environment to avoid speading infections on server.

Manage SSH Credentials

FlyWP does not provide SSH management out of the box. You can use direct SSH and perform things on CLI.

IP Whitelisting and 2Fa

FlyWP does not provide IP whitelisting as well as two factor authentication to secure your account.

Automatic Security Updates

FlyWP provides automatic security updates to keep your servers secure form known vullnerabilities.

Fail2Ban Management

FlyWP does not provide Fail2Ban management to protect login forms on your site.

Basic Authentication

FlyWP does not provide basic authentication to add an additional layer of authentication on site.

Server Health Monitoring

Server Health Monitoring in FlyWP includes CPU, RAM and Disk usage only.

MySQL/mariadb query monitoring

FlyWP does not provide any type of query monitoring for now.

Log Analysis

FlyWP does not provide log analysis addon or have similar feature.

Team Management & Sharing

Team management features allow you to share access to your infrastructure with your team or clients. Let's see how both the control panels differ in this case.

Manage Multiple Teams

In ServerAvatar, You can create multiple organisations to manage multiple teams.

Roles and Permissions

ServerAvatar provides detailed permission management to ensure controlled access to the servers.

White-Labelled Control Panels for Clients

In addition, ServerAvatar also allows you to white-label the server control panels and share them with clients.

Manage Multiple Teams

In FlyWP, You can manage multiple teams to provide access to colleagues.

Control Access with Permissions

FlyWP offers limited roles and does not provide permission management. Roles are very specific and rigid.

White-Labelled Control Panels for clients

FlyWP does not offer you any white-label option as of now.

Deploy your next project on ServerAvatar For Free!

Get started with our free plan which allows you to deploy 1 server and 1 application. You can continue to use it forever without time limit.