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Change PHP Version

Different applications or sites might require different PHP versions on your server to run successfully. For example, if you have one project created in PHP v7.2 and another in PHP v7.4, you must have PHP v7.2 and PHP v7.4 available on the server to run both projects on a single server.

With ServerAvatar, you get all the PHP versions from v7.2 to v8.3 active and ready to use. You can run different sites/applications on different PHP versions.

The default PHP version is set to v8.0, but you can set a different version while creating an application. You can also update it after the application is deployed on the server.

Follow the below steps to change the PHP version of any of your sites or applications hosted on ServerAvatar.

Step 1: First, log in to your ServerAvatar Account.

Step 2: Click on the Server Dashboard button.

Step 2

Step 3: Now, you will see the option Applications on the left-hand sidebar of the Server Panel. Click on “Applications”.

step 3

Step 4: Now, you will see the Applications table like the below image.

step 4

Step 5: Click on the Application Name or Dashboard icon to access the application panel.

step 5

Step 6: Now, you will see the option PHP Settings on the left-hand sidebar of the Application Panel. Click on “PHP Settings”.

step 6

Step 7: Now, you will see the PHP Settings form like the image below. Then click on “PHP Settings”.

step 7

Step 8: You can now change your PHP Version. Then click on the “Update Setting” button.

step 8