Introducing ServerAvatar v7.0: With Introductory discount code!

Introduction version 7

After 6 months of research and development, ServerAvatar v7.0 is live! In this Post, I am going to cover the differences between ServerAvatar v6.4 and ServerAvatar v7.0.

I have also included the coupon code in the end of this post to get flat 35% off on ServerAvatar credits. The code works for existing customers too.

So, ServerAvatar v7.0 is very different from v6.4. Here are the new features we have included in v7.0. After that, We will discuss the major changes that might confuse you when you open the panel.

New features in ServerAvatar v7.0.

ServerAvatar is packed with new sets of features that will make your cloud management experience even more secure and fast. Here are some of the new features we have launched in this update.

  1. IP Whitelisting (Security)
  2. Node.js Installation and Support
  3. Roles and Permission Management
  4. Direct Server Sharing
  5. Supervisor Process Management
  6. MariaDB Support
  7. S3 Compatible Cloud Storage Integration
  8. Dark Mode
  9. Custom Notification Channels - Slack, Telegram and Discord.
  10. Ioncube Installation

Other than these new features, We have worked very hard and smart to make UI/UX improvements as well as overall server management possible for bigger teams.

Here are the changes made in the user interface of ServerAvatar v7.0.

UI/UX Improvements

We learned a lot from v6.4. We understood the path users were taking to reach a specific page. Or, if an user is getting blocked on the interface. As a result, we made the following changes in v7.0.

  1. Backups are accessible directly from the dashboard.
  2. Auto-deploy is moved to application creation wizard (3+ Git Platforms and 5 Auto-installers).
  3. Added breadcrumbs to wizards and other pages.
  4. Main menu is directly accessible from any page.

Other than that, If you access the dashboard of ServerAvatar, You will see that all the processes are streamlined and is easier to work with than the previous version.

Changes in Team Management

In the previous version of ServerAvatar, We only provided basic team management where you can add or remove team members in a team and manage multiple teams.

However, the team management in ServerAvatar v7.0 is completely different. With the new version, You can share access to your servers for wide range of use cases. The whole server sharing and team sharing idea is divided into two parts. They are:

  1. Trusted Members (Organisation Members): For people who work with you in the same organisation and needs access to all the servers, You can add them as members in your organisation. You can also create and assign roles to the team members.
  2. Temporary Sharing (Freelancers): Now you can share servers with freelancers or anyone who might need temporary access to your servers. The idea is to make server sharing as easy as sheet sharing.

How this will affect you? If you were managing multiple teams in ServerAvatar v6.4, All your servers from multiple teams are moved to a single organisation. So, you will see all your servers in a single organisation. As there is no teams like previous version, All your servers are shared with your team members using Temporary server sharing. You can manage server sharing for each server using the “Sharing” option on the server panel.

Billing & Pricing Changes

There are a few changes in billing and pricing too. We understood few pain points of our users and tried to solve them as efficiently as we can. Here are the changes made in billing and pricing.

  1. Hourly Pricing: Yes, Now you will only be charged for number of hours you manage your server with ServerAvatar. The hourly pricing to manage a server is $0.008/hour/server. Which converts roughly to $6/month/server. All your existing servers will be charged at $4.72 per month per server. New servers will be charged based on new pricing.
  2. Monthly Billing: Previously, You got a payment receipt when you made payment to ServerAvatar. Now, those payments are simply the payments you made to recharge your wallet. Proper invoices will be generated every month on 1st containing total charges based on the services you have used. And the invoices will be paid from your wallet (credits). If credits are missing, You would have to add credits to your account before the due date of the invoice.

Other than this, there are no major changes in this section. Now, Let’s cover the common issues you might face.

Common issues after upgrade

Just after the launch, We got feedback from many customers informing us about issues in some parts of ServerAvatar. If you are affected with any of the following issues, The solutions are provided.

  1. My Servers are showing Disconnected: This might be due to failure to connect with your server at the time we were processing updates on all the servers. This might happen due to lots of reasons including bad network of the server. In this case, simply contact support and let us know the IP addresses of the servers that are disconnected. The team will upgrade your servers to v7.0.
  2. My Backups are not working: We had issues with integration when we moved ServerAvatar v7.0 to production. But we have pushed a few updates and solved all the issues related to backups already.
  3. I am unable to login: If your account was dormant for a long time, there are chances that it is not migrated to ServerAvatar v7.0. In this case, Let the support know your E-mail address. We will migrate your account to v7.0 in no time.

Other than this, The launch and migration from ServerAvatar v6.4 to v7.0 was a huge success!

Final Words, And the Discount code!

After this update, ServerAvatar is a very strong competitor in the market for Server Management. With hourly pricing, ServerAvatar allows anyone to manage servers temporarily at very low prices. Unlike other server management panels, ServerAvatar allows you easy team management and now the team management in ServerAvatar is highly scalable and usable.

Other than that, ServerAvatar also provides 3 different web server options and 2 different database server options. ServerAvatar also provides Node.js installation now. So, You can host any (.js) site on your servers.

Finally, We are providing Flat 35% Off on ServerAvatar credits. Use the following coupon code while recharging your ServerAvatar wallet to get the discount.

- Coupon Code: V7ROCKS

To recharge your ServerAvatar wallet, Click here to access your wallet. Then enter the amount and apply the coupon code. This code is enabled for first 100 transactions only. So, hurry up if you want to get discounts on ServerAvatar services.

As everything from the update is covered, I hope you will love working on ServerAvatar v7.0. I hope it makes your cloud management experience better.