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Application Management

Application management provides an overview of all your applications. Within this interface, you can view a detailed list of applications, each presented with essential details. This includes the server name and it's IP address, application name, application's primary domain, framework, PHP version, status, SSL certification, and application size in MB.

Additionally, you can monitor logs and set log priorities for each application. This level of detail allows you to efficiently manage and maintain your applications. By having all essential information in one place, application management simplifies administrative tasks.

Follow the below steps to monitor your application:

Step 1: First, log in to the InsightHub panel, and go to admin side by clicking on Administrator as shown in the image below.

Step 1

Step 2: Click on the Application option from the left side panel and you can see the list and information of all applications on your server.

Step 2

Step 3: You can see all the applications of any server by selecting the server from the options above. Additionally, you can search for any application using the provided search option.

Step 3

  • Monitor Log: After enabling this option, logs will be fetched from the application for monitoring. Enabling this option allows the application to retrieve logs for monitoring purposes.

  • Log Priority: You can set the log fetching priority for a specific application:

    • Low: Logs will be fetched every 30 minutes for the particular application.

    • Medium: Logs will be fetched every 20 minutes for the particular application.

    • High: Logs will be fetched every 10 minutes for the particular application.

By having all essential information in one place, application management simplifies administrative tasks and enhances operational oversight.