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Let's customize your server panel with your brand's look and feel. You can add your logos, choose colors, and use your own domain to access the server panel. This panel makes managing servers and applications easy. You can share specific servers with your users, and they'll only have access to those servers.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your whitelabel panel for server management.

How to Setup Whitelabel Panel?

Here are the five steps to set up your Whitelabel Panel:

  1. Set Up Application Details
  2. Git Integration
  3. Cloud Storage Integration
  4. Domain Service Setup
  5. Customize HTML Pages

Whitelabel Setup Steps

Set Up Application Details

In this step, you'll set up the basics of your Whitelabel Panel. Customize your panel's name, logo, colors, and other branding to match your style.

For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the Application Details Setup Guide. This guide will walk you through the entire process, ensuring that you can easily configure your Whitelabel Panel according to your preference.

Git Integration

Connect popular Git platforms like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab to your Whitelabel Panel. Enable the providers you want, so your users can easily deploy applications from their Git repositories.

Integrating Git platforms into your Whitelabel panel will enable the use of your OAuth application to auto-deploy public and private Git repositories onto servers.

For detailed steps, check out the Git Integration Guide. It provides clear instructions on how to enable and integrate Git Providers for your panel.

Cloud Storage Integration

Enable Cloud Storage options like Google Drive, Dropbox, Wasabi, Amazon S3, and Custom S3 for backing up data.

Integrating cloud storage platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox into your whitelabel panel uses your OAuth application. Conversely, Amazon S3, S3-compatible cloud storage, and Wasabi integrate directly without requiring OAuth. This integration supports various backups, including filesystem, application, and database backups, along with restoring and downloading backups. It ensures secure and efficient management of backup processes without exposing your credentials.

For detailed guidance, check out the Cloud Storage Integration Guide. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable and set up cloud storage options for backup purposes in your panel.

Domain Service Setup

Use Route 53 to configure your file manager domain and temporary domain. These configurations enable users to upload and download files through the file manager. Upon accessing the temporary domain functionality, you can seamlessly utilize the temporary domain functions for your application.

For detailed guidance, check out the Domain Service Setup Guide. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure Route 53 for your panel, ensuring smooth file management and domain access for your users.

Customize HTML Pages

Customize three important HTML pages to fit your brand's style. These pages are the Web Server Default Page, Custom Application HTML Template, and Application Disable Page Template.

For step-by-step instructions, check the Custom HTML Page Setup Guide. It provides detailed guidance on how to personalize these pages according to your branding needs.


After completing the entire setup process for your whitelabel panel, you can enable control panel access from the server settings page.

Check How to enable control panel access for more information.