Author: Adarsh Sojitra

Serveravatar API

Introducing ServerAvatar API

We built the 5th version of ServerAvatar keeping the public API in mind. We launched it 9 months ago. It was not possible to make the API public in that...

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WordPress Caching

A Highly Effective WordPress Caching Plugin Setup in 5 minutes!

Note: This tutorial is for new webmasters who are just getting started. This article will cover everything from the definition of caching to load testing results. You can skip the...

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Serveravatar Update

A Small Update in ServerAvatar Six Launch

I know, 26th January was a launch date fixed for ServerAvatar Six. But you are still using the current version. And there are some updates that I want to share...

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A Few Very Important Announcements!

I(Adarsh Sojitra) am creating a post on this blog after a very long time. The last time I posted on the blog, I didn’t have a team to help me...

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Redirect Domain

How to Redirect Domain to Another Domain

As a blogger who manages many blogs at a time, You have to deal with many challenges that you might not have experience with. And many of these tasks are...

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W3 Total Cache

A Complete Guide to W3 Total Cache (Be faster than your competitor)

If you want to speed up your WordPress website, the first thing you should consider doing is enabling the cache. And there is no denying the fact that the W3...

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Security Plugin

Best WordPress Security Plugins you must have (2018 list)

There are a lot of people who are still trying to find the answer of this Question, “My Website is not that much huge, neither we are a big MNC...

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Ubuntu 18.04

Ubuntu 18.04 is now Supported by ServerAvatar

Ubuntu 18.04 was released on 26th April 2018 with Long term support. Yes, LTS stands for Long-term support. Till now, ServerAvatar only supported Ubuntu 16.04 but from now, You can...

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How to install PHP imagemagick extension

PHP imagemagick extension is used to modify and create images using imagemagick API. Some WordPress plugins or some packages might require you to have PHP imagemagick installed in your configuration. By default, ServerAvatar...

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How to install PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04

MySQL is hard to deal with in case you don’t know SQL queries. For example, If you want to select a user that has specific email address from users table, You...

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